Summer Treatments

Our specialist treatment is applied twice in the summer to ensure your lawn has all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy throughout the summer months.

May - July

A luscious, thick lawn is the hallmark of the Cheshire Lawncare Company...

Summer is the time of year we all use our gardens most so it’s important to make sure your lawn is looking its best. Our early summer treatment will see us applying out summer fertiliser, again created specially to maintain that deep green colour and thick lawn.

Our specialist treatment is applied twice in the summer to ensure your lawn has all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy throughout the summer months. Also, at this time we will provide an important weed treatment that will rid your lawn of many of the weeds that have developed and ruin that uniform appearance.

This long lasting fertiliser, with a balanced range of macro nutrients is suitable for all coarse mown turf areas requiring efficient use of nitrogen and longevity between applications.

Evolution Xtra products contain fertiliser in a form not immediately available to grass. Inhibitors slow the conversion of nutrients by physical and chemical means or by the action of microorganisms. In essence, nitrogen slowly breaks down in the soil to become available to the turf. The process is temperature dependent, as is grass growth, so the release of nitrogen always satisfies the needs of the sward.

Significant environmental benefits result from this mechanism of release, as nutrients are less likely to be lost by leaching from irrigation and rainfall, or by soil fixation and volatilisation. This is particularly apparent when compared to the use of conventional fast release fertiliser products, where solubilised forms of nutrient unused by the grass can easily be leached away.

All of our treatments are completely safe for children and pets spray

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us

0800 4714934​


  • Controls moss
  • Stimulates growth
  • Improves appearance
  • No need to water in


  • Stimulates growth and feeds grass
  • Improves colour and overall health
  • Controls weeds


  • Granular fertiliser
  • Targeted herbicide spray


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If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us

0800 4714934​


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    0800 4714934


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